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A new satellite technology for tracking the movements of Atlantic bluefin tuna




The movements of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus) have captured the interest of scientists and fishers since the time of Aristotle. This tuna is unique among bony fish for maintaining elevated body temperatures (21°C above ambient) and attaining large size (up to 750 kg). We describe here the use of a pop-off satellite tag, for investigating the Atlantic-wide movements and potential stock overlap of western and eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna. The tag also archives data on water temperatures. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of the technology, study the movements of Atlantic bluefin tuna, examine their thermal niche, and assess survivorship of tagged fish. The pop-off satellite technology provides data independent of commercial fisheries that, when deployed in sufficient quantity, should permit a critical test of the stock structure hypotheses for Atlantic bluefin tuna.
机译:自亚里斯多德时代以来,大西洋蓝鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus thynnus thynnus)的运动引起了科学家和渔民的兴趣。这种金枪鱼在保持体温升高(比环境温度高21°C)并变大(重达750千克)的鱼类中是独特的。在这里,我们描述了使用弹出式卫星标签来调查整个大西洋范围内的运动,以及大西洋西部和东部蓝鳍金枪鱼的潜在种群重叠情况。该标签还存档有关水温的数据。这项研究的目的是评估该技术的有效性,研究大西洋蓝鳍金枪鱼的运动,检查其热生境以及评估带标签鱼的生存能力。弹出卫星技术可提供独立于商业渔业的数据,当以足够数量部署时,应允许对大西洋蓝鳍金枪鱼的种群结构假说进行严格检验。



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